Please have an open heart when I tell you!
Friday January 4th 2013, I was letting my dogs out to potty.. Our christian station here is 93.7 and as I was opening my back door he said "The end is near and its up to you to make it right" , I strongly believe in God coming back and I thought that's what all this was about for us all .. I opened my door and it was like opening up to a rainbow of bright bright colors (same as you see but the trees and clouds/sky were 10x's their color!) I felt this electric shock running through my body and I felt this sweet small voice in my heart telling me to hit my knees, I DID SO I HAd NO CHOICE! I then heard (felt) him telling me Mason, my dad, my brother n law Andy, and it kept going but Mason was first and I at the time didn't understand I just prayed I thought he was needing me to change and help lead them to christ for when he came back...
I then told Mason about it and we began to talk about church and he was willing to go , he loved going to my uncles church so we went two Sundays before it happened the second Sunday we were sitting in the church and my cousin asked me to go help her with the childrens church and I ask Mason if he'd be ok in the service by himself and he told me he would be fine and I asked him again he said Ill be ok I told him I loved him and went to class , I worried the whole time about him and was wondering what he was doing... After the service they had a potluck dinner and when we got in there he looked at me and said it felt like your uncle was talking at me... He said it was about if you think your a christian or KNOW you are ... he told me he KNEW HE THOUGHT HE WAS but now he knew he wasn't and he wanted to except Christ... we got home and we layed down for bed and he looks at me and said it was still on his mind, I told him that was good and I kissed him (I should have listened more) He woke up the next morning went to work , when he got home he pulled out this bracelet a man had gave him at work that Monday it was a little leather bracelet with colors on it in red, black, yellow (gold), white, and green... he told me he felt like it was meant for him and he asked me to tie it on his wrist .. he then read what the colors meant to me (read it one time) red - blood of Christ, yellow (in place of Gold)- heaven, black-sin, white- all may be saved now (his favorite one), green- growth.. after he rememberized them , that night he asked me how to be a christian or how to start I said baby start small by the way you think , if you think you are better than them , change it to something better smile , he said, "I dont judge them because I think I'm better than them, I judge them because I think their better than me." I told him, " No one is better than the other and expecially you.." He told me he'd try that ... he wanted to talk to my uncle derrell about the message that touched his heart and the following next two weeks thinks kept coming up and happening .. He lost his job Feb. 8th 2013 he was driving down the road and I by his side , he was devisated begging them to tell him why ... though he kept his faith things will get better he said... the following next days past on we bought our home the day of the termination .. things were changing for us while things were getting pretty bad as well we started needing money and food (thanks to family we had a lil) ... He kept smiling and valentines day 2-14-2013 we went to my moms boyfriends for dinner (shrimp) he was excited and he was so hiped up that night , I asked him to tell them the meaning of his bracelet he was smiling the entire time going through the colors , he finished with green as i remember exactly... Just before we were to eat Rick (moms bf) said lets bless the food, Mason had told everyone to gather hands... Never in my life has he said this! the next two days we were moving... that Saturday night before the wreck he took my uncles trailer back to him and his truck with the carseat in it ran out of gas at my uncle derrells , that night he spoke to my Uncle about how the cermon touched him and how it truely meant something to him! My uncle brought him home and I then asked him if we could get his lizards tank inside so it wouldn't freeze and so we could put the car seat in the car so we could go home and cook at the other house he told me no you are pregnant and its too heavy! Well I took my lil sister home wearing his jacket in the same seat he was in and using his keys! I got home and remember him and my baby girl laying in bed he was telling me she scared him by sitting up acting like she was blind , I laughed and we agreed she was just sleeping , we went to sleep!!!!!!
Sunday Febuary 17, 2013 he woke up at 6:53 am went to the rest room , then came by my side and told me it was cold (he was always cold) he said he was about to go get the change from his trruck to go cash it at walmart and get us gas in the car , and go get biscuts from the house and bring them back he then but his jacket on grabbed the keys and I asked him if he took his seizure meds he said he did and I yelled come take the phone just in case you need it .. he said oh yah I forgot.. then we said I love you , I told him to be careful (like everymorning) he said I will baby I love you! Then he headed out , I heard him shutting the back door multible times it had a problem latching ... I had no Idea it would be the last moment I would have with him at all!!!!!
At 8:36 am I heard knocking and I walked to the door in a hurry smiling I thought Mason was locked out ... I opened it to two policemen standinging there with a look on their face that scared me ...
They asked me who I was, I said I was Anna Cluck then they asked if they could come in.... I directed them in ... they asked me if I was married..................... My heart dropped and I said yes , why am I being asked this? He said ma'am you HAVE TO TELL US WHO YOU ARE MARRIED TO! I hesitated and said Mason Cluck! They then told me he was in a very bad wreck that took his life!!!!______________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ _________________ MY LIFE ENDED THAT DAY!!!!!!
It makes sinse that God needed him and it wasn't our end but HIS END HERE!!! AND HIS BEGINNING WITH GOD!
http://thecluckfamily. god.html
Friday January 4th 2013, I was letting my dogs out to potty.. Our christian station here is 93.7 and as I was opening my back door he said "The end is near and its up to you to make it right" , I strongly believe in God coming back and I thought that's what all this was about for us all .. I opened my door and it was like opening up to a rainbow of bright bright colors (same as you see but the trees and clouds/sky were 10x's their color!) I felt this electric shock running through my body and I felt this sweet small voice in my heart telling me to hit my knees, I DID SO I HAd NO CHOICE! I then heard (felt) him telling me Mason, my dad, my brother n law Andy, and it kept going but Mason was first and I at the time didn't understand I just prayed I thought he was needing me to change and help lead them to christ for when he came back...
I then told Mason about it and we began to talk about church and he was willing to go , he loved going to my uncles church so we went two Sundays before it happened the second Sunday we were sitting in the church and my cousin asked me to go help her with the childrens church and I ask Mason if he'd be ok in the service by himself and he told me he would be fine and I asked him again he said Ill be ok I told him I loved him and went to class , I worried the whole time about him and was wondering what he was doing... After the service they had a potluck dinner and when we got in there he looked at me and said it felt like your uncle was talking at me... He said it was about if you think your a christian or KNOW you are ... he told me he KNEW HE THOUGHT HE WAS but now he knew he wasn't and he wanted to except Christ... we got home and we layed down for bed and he looks at me and said it was still on his mind, I told him that was good and I kissed him (I should have listened more) He woke up the next morning went to work , when he got home he pulled out this bracelet a man had gave him at work that Monday it was a little leather bracelet with colors on it in red, black, yellow (gold), white, and green... he told me he felt like it was meant for him and he asked me to tie it on his wrist .. he then read what the colors meant to me (read it one time) red - blood of Christ, yellow (in place of Gold)- heaven, black-sin, white- all may be saved now (his favorite one), green- growth.. after he rememberized them , that night he asked me how to be a christian or how to start I said baby start small by the way you think , if you think you are better than them , change it to something better smile , he said, "I dont judge them because I think I'm better than them, I judge them because I think their better than me." I told him, " No one is better than the other and expecially you.." He told me he'd try that ... he wanted to talk to my uncle derrell about the message that touched his heart and the following next two weeks thinks kept coming up and happening .. He lost his job Feb. 8th 2013 he was driving down the road and I by his side , he was devisated begging them to tell him why ... though he kept his faith things will get better he said... the following next days past on we bought our home the day of the termination .. things were changing for us while things were getting pretty bad as well we started needing money and food (thanks to family we had a lil) ... He kept smiling and valentines day 2-14-2013 we went to my moms boyfriends for dinner (shrimp) he was excited and he was so hiped up that night , I asked him to tell them the meaning of his bracelet he was smiling the entire time going through the colors , he finished with green as i remember exactly... Just before we were to eat Rick (moms bf) said lets bless the food, Mason had told everyone to gather hands... Never in my life has he said this! the next two days we were moving... that Saturday night before the wreck he took my uncles trailer back to him and his truck with the carseat in it ran out of gas at my uncle derrells , that night he spoke to my Uncle about how the cermon touched him and how it truely meant something to him! My uncle brought him home and I then asked him if we could get his lizards tank inside so it wouldn't freeze and so we could put the car seat in the car so we could go home and cook at the other house he told me no you are pregnant and its too heavy! Well I took my lil sister home wearing his jacket in the same seat he was in and using his keys! I got home and remember him and my baby girl laying in bed he was telling me she scared him by sitting up acting like she was blind , I laughed and we agreed she was just sleeping , we went to sleep!!!!!!
Sunday Febuary 17, 2013 he woke up at 6:53 am went to the rest room , then came by my side and told me it was cold (he was always cold) he said he was about to go get the change from his trruck to go cash it at walmart and get us gas in the car , and go get biscuts from the house and bring them back he then but his jacket on grabbed the keys and I asked him if he took his seizure meds he said he did and I yelled come take the phone just in case you need it .. he said oh yah I forgot.. then we said I love you , I told him to be careful (like everymorning) he said I will baby I love you! Then he headed out , I heard him shutting the back door multible times it had a problem latching ... I had no Idea it would be the last moment I would have with him at all!!!!!
At 8:36 am I heard knocking and I walked to the door in a hurry smiling I thought Mason was locked out ... I opened it to two policemen standinging there with a look on their face that scared me ...
They asked me who I was, I said I was Anna Cluck then they asked if they could come in.... I directed them in ... they asked me if I was married..................... My heart dropped and I said yes , why am I being asked this? He said ma'am you HAVE TO TELL US WHO YOU ARE MARRIED TO! I hesitated and said Mason Cluck! They then told me he was in a very bad wreck that took his life!!!!______________________
It makes sinse that God needed him and it wasn't our end but HIS END HERE!!! AND HIS BEGINNING WITH GOD!
the bracelet he wore and was pround to talk and share with others! He passed away wearing this meaningful bracelet!
this link is from my blogg post from January 6th about "HEARING GOD"!